Wednesday, January 20, 2010

URGI Minutes 10/13/09

* Awareness Update
- Darfur: peace process at a crossroads that’s now ending, no credible peace proposal yet, international community needs to give support
- strategy paper available if you want to read it- email JOE!
- Darfur Civil Society involved, down up approach- grassroots support.
- presidential election in the future but most likely to be flawed.

* Douglass Tabling Oct 9th feedback
evaluation- 40 people signed petition! In the future:
- set numerical goals everytime
- Get a better understanding of what we are tabling for
- Sheet of paper at table with bulleted information

* October Big Showcase Event CANCELLED
- due to financial issues

* STAND Fast Week
-meeting 8pm on Tuesday 10/20 before weekly meeting(subject to change)
- location TBA

- T&R 3-5pm – Mary’s place
→4 volunteers
- Sig Ep to provide transportation

*Pledge to protect conference.- Nov. 6th-9th in Washington D.C
- Details- IN D.C., not fully funded but SA will pay for registration fee. You pay for hotel (discounted), transportation, few other financial stipulations Luke and Cassie.

*Future Events:
Fundraising Event:
o Tournament- Basketball, co-sponsor with D’Lions- CASSIE AND LUKE
o Sunday afternoon/evening-2pm
• Social Event:
o Museum of Play- JULIA!

Ongoing Projects:
* Volunteering – Adrienne Hloderwski and Joseph Gardella
* Kenya school building – Suresh (
* Banaa Project – Joseph Gardella
* Family Refugee Pairing – Adrienne Hloderwski
* Get author of Memoirs of a Child Soldier to UR
* Address Unknown Toop – Nov. 20th
* Can Collecting - Elena

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