Theme this month: Democratic Republic of Congo
* FLIERS are now in URGI mailbox in Ruth Merrill Center (across from Common Market, mailbox is on left wall and sign up places listed below)
* Douglass Advocacy Event: March 25th from 12-2pm
- sign the petition for the U of R to divest from companies that use conflict minerals. More information:
- NEED PEOPLE TO TABLE from 1-2pm. Email if you can.
* Elections NEXT meeting, March 29th- WC122 at 9pm
Upcoming Events:
* Saturday Volunteering:
o *Meet at ITS at 9:40* About 2 hours
* Emergency Volunteering: March 27th at 11 am at the field house
* Potluck and Bracelet Making: April 15th (Mon) at 8pm in WC 122
* Refugee Campus: April 22nd
Newsletter: everyone flier! pick up fliers from mailbox! ( for newsletter and elections)
Wilson Commons: Julia
Phase: Justin
Lattimore/Morey: Danielle
Dewey/B+L/Hoyt: Cassie
Goergen/Carlson: Kelli
Hutch/Hylan: Suresh
Rush Rhees/ITS/Gleason: Bridg! et
Towers: Elena
→ for elections March 29th
o Positions: Pres (2 co- or pres and vp), Secretary, Awareness and Advocacy (2), Social and Fundraising (2), Business manager, Webmaster, Banaa Chair
o see our constitution for further descriptions of each position on CCC
Refugee CAMPus
o Committee: Adrienne, Bridget, Suresh, Robert, Julia, Brinda
o Meeting with Stacey March 26th at 5:30 pm in her office
Douglass Advocacy event
- 12pm-1pm: Justin and Bridget
- 1pm-2pm: ???
o Wall of paper with message will be sent to either University of Rochester’s Investment office, board of trustees, or Presidents office – Bridget and Kelli
o Visuals
o Advocacy: Company Divestment, Socially Responsible Investing group on campus sending few members to help explain in more detail.
Awareness Discussion: Adrienne
- Most recently in March, DR Congo government requested UN remove their troops by June 2011, other experts say the government should continue work with the forces→MONUC. (group of people on specific mission, biggest UN peace keeping mission, group working to establish peace and the only force left in DRC)
-East is the worst right now, most violence: massacres, rape, looting and other attacks against civilians AND humanitarian agencie! s.
- the MONUC has 20,000+ personnel and 5000 civilian staff! (native to area) helping in policy, humanitarian affairs. 2007 UN secretary general proposed benchmarks to be met before the MONUC withdrew including stabilization in areas where conflict is worst, creating national armed forces to defend people and completion of demobilization of armed groups (none of these benchmarks have been met)
-Recently, call for a new civilian protection plan but military operations have come at a high humanitarian cost. Civilian loss greater than rebel damage. Estimated 1400 dead (in last 9 months) and over 7,500 women and girls sexually abused. These have been attacks by Congolese soldiers therefore people are urging the UN to find other ways to establish security and stop supporting the military operation.
- UN Security Council scheduled to vote to renew peacekeeping mission and keep UN in DRC even though humanitarian cost has been high recently.
Dinner for Kenyan Orphanage
-UR Families across Borders ( aim to transform lives of orphans around world by helping them be responsible citizens of tomorrow)
- this orphanage gave URFAB a list of material/resources they need. Trying to raise money for this. Hosting international dinner in MAY ROOM this Sunday March 28th from 7-9pm, catered by local restaurants, cost is $10 at common market or $12 at door. Performances by: Yellow Jackets, UR Bhangra, Celtic Dance Team, Ethiopian Dance team, Sihir, Korean Poongmul and FASA .
Tutoring Congolese refugees- good if they have some knowledge of French for next year- one student in high school one is age 7, parents need help with mail and other stuff. Contact
Ongoing projects:
* – Bridget, Jo! e, and Luke