Thursday, April 22, 2010

URGI MInutes 4/19/10

Theme this month: Genocides in History

Upcoming Events:
* Refugee Campus: TOMORROW April 22nd 3pm ( to set up)

Banaa update
-students in process of interviewing, planning an event for September 24th to introduce student and make an event about humanity appreciating other cultures (Douglass dinner), for community too, want keynote speaker, 6 student speakers ( promoting harmony through diversity, symbolism)
- new scholar every year, full scholarship, house students HERE instead of DC over the summer. If any members here this summer. LET US KNOW so we can better help them get acclimated.

Refugee CAMPus: 5-9
6:30-8:30pm Adrienne, Bridget and Brinda
8:30-9pm Justin and Luke

West African dance group comes at 6:30, perform then do a workshop.
Genocide Jeopardy
-print out powerpoints! Images, information that will be quizzed on for jeopardy
Collaborative Visual:
-question: If you were a world leader, what would your first step be towards creating a more peaceful world?
Guerrilla theater:
- Justin!

Order of events;
5-5:30 videos/chill
530-630 sports/games/eating
630-730 west African dance
730-830 jeopardy
8:30-9 chill/ wrap up
*visuals the whole time

Ongoing projects:

* Orientation Volunteering Application
o Due May 14th
o Elena, Cassie, Luke, Bridget, Justin
* - Bridget, Joseph, Luke
* Build schools in Kenya - Suresh Eswarathasan

Thursday, April 15, 2010

URGI Minutes 4/12/10

Theme this month: Genocides in History

Upcoming Events:
* Refugee CAMPus: April 22nd 3pm

Shropshire at Eastman

-In places like Kosovo, Darfur will teach kids music (therapy through music and its healing power)
→need awareness help (perhaps a powerpoint on Uganda), will co-sponsor and help them out.
→April 29th-as a study break in Hirst. Send some volunteers

Awareness- Joe
Joe’s big question! What do we do post-genocide?
- issues in Kosovo, South American (Chile), Holocaust, oppression in Burma/Sri Lanka or even NYC and yet the international community always vows not to let it happen again
- Darfur- we had the chance to help and stop it but we didn’t. why?

What happens after and why is there an inadequate response? 3 things: trials/ tribunals and truth commissions, reparations

benefits: air the issues, create an aura of fairness, accountability, re-establish/establish cause, learn from past atrocities, serve to warn others about consequences if they continue their violence, public records
problems: retroactively apply to international standards (Guantanamo bay), international tribunals rely on politics, effect: they prosecute low ranking officials and not the greater people responsible, process doesn’t HEAL- people subject to intense questioning, cross-examinations

2)truth commissions (when govts officially investigate wrongs committed ex. Congressional hearings for Iraq war in mid 2000s)
benefits: seek to have a more complete record, emphasize plight of vict ims and those affected. (ex. Hutu were writing history. Commissions interviewed Tustis- often time journalists), help victims tell experience and feel better, non-involved bystanders can tell stories as well.
Problems: unrepresented populations that still remain (Iraq-Sunni’s experience with Saddam were left unaccounted for while Shiite’s weren’t.) , those who establish commissions impose constraints on time/ area., do not test witnesses assertions so they don’t criticize them

3)reparations- consist of money/ other valuable assets as a symbolic representation of violence that has occurred, shouldn’t replace, should be more explicit and those responsible should be more public about acknowledgement of atrocities.
benefits: process for seeking them builds public support, builds awareness, gi ves victims recognition
problems: lead society to believe the people no longer need to discuss atrocities because government has given amends.
-restitution (form of reparation) – returns property seized. Seems lke morally correct thing to do but, it is difficult to find artifacts after some time. When a new government gets into this, difficult to return because the people that have gained them over time will be upset as well- dissonance between those people and the ones who it has been seized from.
Symbolic; significant items (ex. holy land)
Pure: return everything

: admission of an error with expression of regret. Official apologies can be made which will help in healing
Problems: fail to change behavior, fail to acknowledge acts that have been committed. May also be deficient when made by others than those who actually committed crime (Japanese and Chinese)- words without action ( not fulfilling) , makes it hard for apologies to be effective.

→Emotions: vengeance, forgiveness, - variables that make those three topics ineffective.
→mix of the three the best idea and can there be peace?

Ongoing projects:

* Old and new e board members meet
* – Bridget, Joe, and Luke
* Saturday Volunteering:
o *Meet at ITS at 9:40* About 2 hours
o Orientation Volunteering Application
+ Due May 14th
+ Elena, Cassie, Luke, Bridget, Justin

URGI Minutes 4/5/10

Theme this month: Genocides in History – Today: Holocaust

Upcoming Events:
* Potluck and Bracelet Making: April 12th (Mon) at the meeting
* Refugee Campus: April 22nd 3pm


* Orientation Volunteering Application
o Due May 14th
o Old and New E-board meet
o Refugee CAMPus
+ Committee: Adrienne, Bridget, Suresh, Robert, Julia, Brinda – head: Bridget
+ Meeting today after meeting
+ Awareness Discussion: Danielle

URGI will be participating in the bookstore buy-back competition.

Awareness-Danielle on Bosnian Genocide

Josip Tito was Bosnia’s authoritarian dictator for many years. His death in 1980 sparked strong nationalist sentiments. Also, the existing system of checks and balances between conflicting groups was abolished. At the same time, Serbia and Croatia were becoming militarized. Also, an election in 1990 polarized the groups even further as nationalist parties gained power. The combination of these events caused a 3-sided civil war between t! he Bosnian-Serbs, Bosnian-Croats, and Bosnian-Muslims. In 1992, Bosnia declared itself independent. During the war, the Serbs tried to ethnically cleanse certain parts of Bosnia of the Muslim populations to create a “Greater Serbia” led by Slobodan Milosevic and a “Greater Croatia” in neighboring states.

Between 1992 and 1995 (only 3 years), over 200,000 Muslims were starved, tortured, raped, and murdered in concentration camps. The bodies were buried in mass graves.

Srebrenica Massacre: July 1995, Serb troops entered the town of Srebrenica, which was supposed to be a UN safe area. They held the town under siege while depriving the 400,000 Muslim inhabitants of food, water, and supplies. They also shelled homes and buildings. The UN soldiers did little because they were ill-prepared and had no back-up. Between 8,000 and 9,000 men and boys were killed, and the remaining 25-30,000 inhabitants were forced to leave the area. Another s! ource (ICRC—International Committee of the Red Cross) said that up to 200,000 people were killed, 12,000 of them children, up to 50,000 women were raped, and 2.2 million were forced to flee their homes. This was the largest massacre in Europe since WWII.

Although most consider the ethnic cleansing to be genocide, the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and the International Court of Justice (ICJ) have ruled that, in order for actions to be deemed genocide, there must be physical or biological destruction of a protected group and a specific intent to commit such destruction. By this definition, only the Srebrenica massacre has been found to be a genocide by the ICTY. Even the Massacre was not considered to be genocide by some because supposedly only the men really seemed to be targeted. It was not established that those accused of ethnic cleansing (former Bosnian Serb leader Momcilo Krajisnik) had genocidal intent. Only one of the 30 pe! ople indicted for genocide was found guilty in an international court (Radislav Krstic).

What happened to stop this? NATO.

*Update: UN voted on DRC and they are going to continue with supervised intervention in DR Congo.

Ongoing projects:

* – Bridget, Joe, and Luke
* Saturday Volunteering:
o *Meet at ITS at 9:40* About 2 hours

URGI Minutes 3/29/10

Upcoming Events:
* Saturday Volunteering:
o *Meet at ITS at 9:40* About 2 hours
* Potluck and Bracelet Making: April 12th (Monday) at 8pm in Gleason (one of the Studios)
*Refugee Campus: April 22nd

Refugee CAMPus
o Committee: Adrienne, Bridget, Suresh, Robert, Julia, Brinda – head: Bridget

Douglass Advocacy event – PPAC
- got a good amount of signatures
- people who signed were interested (contact for women’s caucus)
- need to reserve a table
- maybe send an email to other groups so they know we are tabling if we do have to move to Wilson Commons
+ Do it again? Week before Refugee CAMPus where we have flex machine.

President: Bridget
Vice President: Cassie
Business Manager: Luke
Social/Fundraising AND Webmaster: Justin
Publicity Chair: Kelli
Secretary: Julia

Awareness Discussion, open forum:
1) Elections tomorrow! Bashir trying to kick out people who are attempting to regulate the election. About international election monitors “ Cut off their fingers…under our shoes”
2) In DR Congo, Lord’s Resistance Army kill/massacre people in villages, if they try to es! cape they cutting off lips/ears/tongues to scare people into not telling media. December 14th-17th in at least 10 villages, just got released. Conflict minerals are funding individual members of the LRA them. Kill most of men, took women and children and forced them to walk 60 miles, any who were too slow were executed.
3) Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe- process of colonization before and during they came in. Major part is religion- helped people conform.

Ongoing projects:

* – Bridget, Joe, and Luke

Thursday, March 25, 2010

URGI Minutes 3/22/10

Theme this month: Democratic Republic of Congo

* FLIERS are now in URGI mailbox in Ruth Merrill Center (across from Common Market, mailbox is on left wall and sign up places listed below)

* Douglass Advocacy Event: March 25th from 12-2pm
- sign the petition for the U of R to divest from companies that use conflict minerals. More information:
- NEED PEOPLE TO TABLE from 1-2pm. Email if you can.

* Elections NEXT meeting, March 29th- WC122 at 9pm

Upcoming Events:
* Saturday Volunteering:
o *Meet at ITS at 9:40* About 2 hours
* Emergency Volunteering: March 27th at 11 am at the field house
* Potluck and Bracelet Making: April 15th (Mon) at 8pm in WC 122
* Refugee Campus: April 22nd

Newsletter: everyone flier! pick up fliers from mailbox! ( for newsletter and elections)
Wilson Commons: Julia
Phase: Justin
Lattimore/Morey: Danielle
Dewey/B+L/Hoyt: Cassie
Goergen/Carlson: Kelli
Hutch/Hylan: Suresh
Rush Rhees/ITS/Gleason: Bridg! et
Towers: Elena
→ for elections March 29th
o Positions: Pres (2 co- or pres and vp), Secretary, Awareness and Advocacy (2), Social and Fundraising (2), Business manager, Webmaster, Banaa Chair
o see our constitution for further descriptions of each position on CCC

Refugee CAMPus
o Committee: Adrienne, Bridget, Suresh, Robert, Julia, Brinda
o Meeting with Stacey March 26th at 5:30 pm in her office

Douglass Advocacy event
- 12pm-1pm: Justin and Bridget
- 1pm-2pm: ???
o Wall of paper with message will be sent to either University of Rochester’s Investment office, board of trustees, or Presidents office – Bridget and Kelli
o Visuals
o Advocacy: Company Divestment, Socially Responsible Investing group on campus sending few members to help explain in more detail.

Awareness Discussion: Adrienne
- Most recently in March, DR Congo government requested UN remove their troops by June 2011, other experts say the government should continue work with the forces→MONUC. (group of people on specific mission, biggest UN peace keeping mission, group working to establish peace and the only force left in DRC)
-East is the worst right now, most violence: massacres, rape, looting and other attacks against civilians AND humanitarian agencie! s.
- the MONUC has 20,000+ personnel and 5000 civilian staff! (native to area) helping in policy, humanitarian affairs. 2007 UN secretary general proposed benchmarks to be met before the MONUC withdrew including stabilization in areas where conflict is worst, creating national armed forces to defend people and completion of demobilization of armed groups (none of these benchmarks have been met)
-Recently, call for a new civilian protection plan but military operations have come at a high humanitarian cost. Civilian loss greater than rebel damage. Estimated 1400 dead (in last 9 months) and over 7,500 women and girls sexually abused. These have been attacks by Congolese soldiers therefore people are urging the UN to find other ways to establish security and stop supporting the military operation.
- UN Security Council scheduled to vote to renew peacekeeping mission and keep UN in DRC even though humanitarian cost has been high recently.

Dinner for Kenyan Orphanage

-UR Families across Borders ( aim to transform lives of orphans around world by helping them be responsible citizens of tomorrow)
- this orphanage gave URFAB a list of material/resources they need. Trying to raise money for this. Hosting international dinner in MAY ROOM this Sunday March 28th from 7-9pm, catered by local restaurants, cost is $10 at common market or $12 at door. Performances by: Yellow Jackets, UR Bhangra, Celtic Dance Team, Ethiopian Dance team, Sihir, Korean Poongmul and FASA .

Tutoring Congolese refugees- good if they have some knowledge of French for next year- one student in high school one is age 7, parents need help with mail and other stuff. Contact

Ongoing projects:

* – Bridget, Jo! e, and Luke

Sunday, March 21, 2010

URGI Minutes 3/15/10

Theme this month: Democratic Republic of Congo

Upcoming Events:
• Water for Sudan: March 18th in Sloan from 7-8pm
• Zev Kedem (Holocaust survivor): March 18th in Strong Auditorium at 7:30 pm (tickets are $3)
• Saturday Volunteering: starts March 20th at 10 am – (if interested, contact Suresh)
o **Meet at ITS at 9:30am **About 2 hours
• Emergency Volunteering: March 20th at 11 am at the field house
• Elections: March 29th at WC 122 at 9pm- positions on CCC website and below.


• Next Douglass Advocacy event- Thursday 03/25
o Wall of paper- Bridget and Ke! lli
o Reserve projector and get visuals- Brinda!

• String Bracelets – Elena and Adrienne
o Demonstration- braiding! All bracelets will be the same colors- two shades of green and black.
o Money? – Luke!
o Flex? – Bridget- April 26th-30th reservation.

• Fundraising ideas – Dmitriy

• Refugee CAMPus – Joe and Kelli
o Committee: Adrienne, Elena, Bridget, Suresh, Robert, Julia, Brinda – head?
• Meeting next Monday after regular time to discuss what we need to speak with Stacey about.
o Meeting with Stacey March 26th at 5:30 pm in her office
o Ideas from last time:
• Have it in the afternoon (3-9pm?) in Hirst on Thursday (4/22)
• Reservation is made ☺
• No go on the tents
• Invite Greeks to j! oin (have representatives)
• Have fun activities! Woot!

• World Water Day co-sponsorship
o Luke!

• Freshman Orientation Volunteering?
o Email Joe/Kelli if interested in coming, benefits: move-in early!

• Reminder: Elections March 29th
o Get the word out! – Elena on facebook/CCC
o Fliers – Danielle! By Monday 1/4 sheet.
o Positions: Pres (2 co- or pres and vp), Secretary, Awareness and Advocacy (2), Social and Fundraising (2), Business manager, Webmaster, Banaa Chair

• Newsletter
o Luke-money!
o DR Congo on this month’s
o Upcoming events
o Will flier on Monday

• Awareness Discussion on DR Congo: Bridget
o Violence against women: widespread rape, limbs cut off, sold into sexual slavery, forced to eat flesh of dead relatives (also doing auto-cannibalism now, making them eat their own hands-perhaps as another form of degradation)
o Court system isn’t good- there is much corruption and women cant afford to pay legal fees (huge issue), many times its people in the militia and police who are committing these crimes and women are therefore less likely to charge them. (often occurs during clashes with political rivals) – one of the solutions is education, gives women self-respect as well as respect from others.
o Why is rape used as a weapon? Perhaps to instill fear, rid of invading groups, for the brutality itself (for power) in a system with no infrastructure/organization
o 7 soldiers arrested for raping 2! 00 women, but then set free after that.
o If Democratic Republic of Congo had a unified government, it would be one of the wealthiest nations due to natural resources.

Side notes:
→ does micro-loans given out to farms/individuals. Possible donations for the future?
→Workshop on 26th for policital activism 3:30 Friday all day Saturday
- On the UR website- dean of students part-
- Email Joe for more information

Ongoing projects:
• – Bridget and Joe and Luke

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

URGI Minutes 3/1/10

March Theme: Democratic Republic of Congo


-Congo’s Tin Soldiers in Gleason: March 4th from 7:45-10pm
- Look for additional clips if you’d like and share them after the movie!
-Saturday Volunteering: starts March 6th at 10 am- 12pmish? meet at ITS at 9:30am (if interested, contact Suresh) as well as Saturday AFTER break
-Emergency Volunteering: March 20th at 11 am at the field house- games, arts and crafts (if you have crafts at home, shoeboxes, paint, etc bring it!)

Next Douglass Advocacy event
- guerilla theater- Midnight Ramblers will bring it up to see if members are interested and get back to us. perhaps the Thursday after the first week back from break.
-Alternative plan? Paper petitions. Visuals (movie clips, projectors), wall-wide pet! ition ( huge piece of papers, write petition on top and everyone signs underneath) –for week after break.

Bracelets – Elena, prices:
-50-100 bracelets @ .90cents each.
-we could just make our own- for group income
flex reservation for April- common connection. Bridget!

Refugee CAMPus – Joe and Kelli
Volunteers? Adrienne Elena Bridget Suresh Rob Julia Brinda and Kelli. Email Joe/Kelli if interested!
o Meetings after normal meetings
-Open to anyone who wants to do it- perhaps the people doing the fasting for Refugee for a week being hosts?
• *An all day event, 4-9/10pm.
• *Hirst Lounge-With option of going outside.
• No tents.
• Thursday ,April 22nd- reserve Hirst- Kelli!
•&nbs! p; Screen a movie, music, fun things
• Dinner/night event, April 19th-23rd
• Scavenger hunt outside
• Approach all groups, can you give 3-5 volunteers→ these are people attending the event

World Water Day co-sponsorship

- WWD event- speaker from Water for Sudan, by Pan African Students Association-John Turner speaking about what the organization does in Southern Sudan ( which is improve water quality) March 18th in Sloane auditorium 7-8pm. We advertise for event and help post/print a few flyers.
- Money for flyers- Luke! 100 flyers.
- co-sponsoring Zev Kedem with CAB and Hillel at same time.

: March 29th – start thinking about the position you would like
-Positions: Pres (2 co- or pres a! nd vp), Secretary, Awareness and Advocacy (2), Social and Fundraising (2), Business manager, Webmaster, Banaa Chair

Awareness Discussion – Brinda
Brief History of Democratic Republic of Congo
-independence from Belgium in 1960
in 1965 army chief Joseph Mobutu seized power, his reign was full of corruption, - demanded his portrait be hung in public buildings and his face on money
-renamed country Zaire in 1971
- used the threat of communism from neighboring Angola to receive aid from US and other countries and instead of putting this money towards infrastructure and economy, he pocketed much of it for himself.
-debated that US aid also could have been for their own commercial interest in the country’s vast mineral resources
- Post cold-war the US lost interest, so in 1997 when Rwandans and Ugandans invaded the country to attack the Hutu militia that had leaked in, they overthr! ew Mobutu’s government with the aid of anti-Mobutu politicians.
-Laurent Kabila in power at this point, renamed country the Democratic Republic of Congo, though there was some hope for Kabila’s rule, he began acting like a dictator and didn’t have a plan for the country either. He created unrest amongst his former allies (Rwanda and Uganda) by demanding they leave the country and by receiving support for new countries-Angola, Namibia and Zimbabwe.
-This marked the start of a war between multiple foreign armies and rebel groups within the country. Kabila assassinated in 2001 and his son Joseph came into power- Joseph instituted peace talks but conflict reignited. Finally talks between Ugandan rebels and Kabila came to a peace accord with agreement they would share power. In 2006 Congo had first multi party elections-Kabila won.
Stats: 5.4 million dead (mostly due to starvation/disease, many are children, much sexual violence)
**commercial interest in Congo’s resources* seems to be why most foreign countries are still involved and conflict continues.

Ongoing projects:

· – Bridget and Joe and Luke

URGI Minutes 2/22/10

Theme this month: Haiti

* Movie in Gleason: March 4th from 7:45pm-10pm

Neon Party
-300ish people in attendance, donations total: $175! Straight to UNHCR

Refugee tutoring – Suresh
o Saturday March 6th at School without walls, high school students- NEED to be committed, email Kelli/Joe if interested!

Douglass Advocacy event
- guerilla theater, table, petition for DR Congo with established group ( Midnight Ramblers? TOOP?)
-date TBD

- Elena and Adrienne! (friendship, livestrong-ish bracelets)

Refugee CAMPus

- Met with Emergency, URGI could do the live-in portion-, challenging groups on campus to live in tents like a refugee (winner gets prize)- we’ll be on the organizational side of the event. Each day, different contests (most signatures for petition, most donations, etc.)
Other ideas?
- Hirst Lounge- ONE night event
- Each group represents one country
- During the day, more of an awareness event, perhaps on the quad?
- If you have an idea, email Kelli/Joe!

Refugee crafts
- March 20th!
-Once a month in the gym, group of refugees kids and parents (if kids are younger) ---11am-2pm. First hour and a half playing in the gym/crafts then lunch then tours of the campus to the students
-Emergency looking into asking Meridians if they would be interested

Awareness Discussion
– Kelli
- Haitian government trying to get people out of camps and back home, their reasons pertain to sanitation issues as well as people are getting too comfortable where they are (to establish order again and rebuild.)
- problem is people have nowhere to go
- most children are very sick and ½ of Haitis population is under 15 years old, huge issue.
- originally camps were good, well stocked but now people are being forced out by police in a brutal way-people are crying out to reporters and at that point police calmed down.
- stats: 200,000 dead, 1.2 million homeless
- living out of makeshift tents (rainy season is approaching)
- in order to get people to leave camps, police are sending away relief trucks
- government press is using private land to build better tent camps
→ if interested in donating to Doctors without Borders to Haiti, go to JAMNESTY- this Saturday at SAM, featuring 4 bands. 10pm-12pm (accepting donations at door), there will be info on Haiti, line where you can text money. Petitions all around the house! (10 different ones→ human rights, not necessarily on Haiti)

Ongoing projects:

* – Bridget and Joe and Luke
* Jumpstart: Feb. 17th-19th
* Falling Whistles: April 10th

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

URGI Minutes 2/15/10

Theme this month: Haiti

-NEON PARTY: THIS Saturday Feb. 20th at Alpha Del.
- Sign up to table at the party or in Wilson Commons in the available time slots below!

How did things go?
-Awareness Mixer- 12 total in attendance. Successful aspects: card games, meeting people from other clubs
-Museum of Play- 9 total in attendance. Successful aspects: it was fun!
Next time: laser tag?

Neon Party – Adge, Luke, Bridget
Donations – through UNHCR to Sudan, (97% goes straight there!)
- starts at 10:30pm in Alpha Del
-Adrienne – tables, non flex (beads and potentially glowsticks?, petitions)

Rush Rhees/Gleason! /ITS: Julia
Latt. And Morey:Bridget
Dewey, B&L, Hoyt: Cassie
Hutch, Hylan, Carlson, Goergen: Suresh
Phase: Adrienne
Towers: Elena
Sue B.: Luke

Party Volunteers:
10:30-11: Brinda and Danielle
11-11:30: Adrienne
11:30-12: ---
12-12:30: ---

Tabling Volunteers:
Thursday: Friday: Saturday:
11am-12: Elena and Bridget Bridget -
12-1pm: Luke - Rob
1-2pm: Adrienne - Rob
5-6pm: Kelli

Movie in Gleason – Brinda
-Thursday 03/04! 7:45-10pm.

Refugee tutoring – Suresh
- f! inalize who can still volunteer by next Monday, who can come Saturday the 27th! ---EMAIL JOE OR KELLI BY NEXT MONDAY IF YOU ARE INTERESTED!
- Saturdays 2pm à 1-2 hours

Location: Lincoln School #22
When: Feb. 18-20
Time: 9:00 AM to 2:30 PM
- used to help newly arrived refugees to acclimate to school environment students from kindergarten-12th grade. 9am-2:30pm
- Three different days: first two days volunteers will have breakfast at 9am, field trip to Rochester Museum and Science Center, return by 12, lunch then class again. Third day is parent lunch and visit in the afternoon

Falling whistles
- movement to support international peace. (whistles were for 3-4 year olds too small to carry guns, job was to blow whistle when enemy was in sight and to take bulle! ts as bodyguards,) The speaker, Sean, went to DRCongo and is coming to Geneseo on April 10th. Joe will be in contact with him to sponsor him as a speaker!

Next Douglass Advocacy event
-guerilla theater, volunteers: Dimitri
- JOE! talk to IBTL, Todd theatre

- somewhere between $20-30

Awareness Discussion – Suresh
- On the Healthcare system and effectiveness of relief aid tie.
- See this website for a great visual of relief facts:
- Wealth in Haiti is very shifted- a lot of the money is concentrated to top 1% and most of these people are centered in Port au Prince. Considering this and corrupt government shows even healthcare/medical system is bad, even in capital.
Health care affected by
o imbalance of wealth
o economic instability
Effectiveness of aid is centered upon
- transportation/infrastructure (ex. One road coming into port au prince from airport but split by earthquake- no way in)
- machinery to communicate at airports. *importance of communication(air traffic control issues)
- took the united states 3-4 days to get in
- Iceland and China were able to get in so quickly because of ships around Haiti

Least obvious effects of bad healthcare
-more deaths/births
-sanitation**- direct link with poor health. Perpetuates illness.
- Worldbank (an NGO) listed Haiti’s healthcare at bottom of Western hemisphere ( including south American countries)
-emergency care is available only to private institution! s ( again, the top 5% of population has access to these private institutions)
- US was largest donor to Haiti for relief efforts
- Dominican Republic helped facilitate aid ( airports and transportation)

Ongoing projects:

· Refugee CAMPus – Joe and Kelli

· Refugee crafts – Joe with Emergency

· – Bridget and Joe and Luke

Thursday, February 11, 2010

URGI Minutes 2/8/10

This month’s theme: Haiti

- Awareness Mixer, TOMORROW February 12th at 10:30pm, the floor above MIF
-Museum of play February 13th! 4pm at ITS
- if interested in volunteering contact us! first session is open, no need to commit upfront

Awareness Mixer

o Feb. 12th at 10:30 pm in the floor above MIF

Museum of Play
– Julia
- February 13th
- Meet at 4pm outside ITS
- $8.50 a person

NEON Party – Adge, Luke, Bridget
- Feb. 20th
-Alpha Del will print/design flyers
-decorations: Casey will speak with the brothers (budget: $75)
-flex machine/cashbox (Luke!)
-no tickets, just donations at the door

Movie in Gleason
- 03/04 7:45pm-10pm
- possibly showing the investigative report on DR Congo’s tin mine workers entitled “Congo’s Tin Soldiers”

Refugee tutoring – Suresh
- Every Saturday 2pm-ish?
- Robert! Check Sig Ep ad Sig Nu
- Possible volunteers: Brinda, Luke, Danielle, Adrienne
+ Volunteer sign-up (AEPI – Luke!)

Next Douglass Advocacy event:
- 02/18/10.
- addressing issues in the DR Congo

– Elena! Add some pizzazz
- Event updates also (FB & CCC)

STAND’s Refugee CAMPus

-Concept: living like a refugee for a week.
- co-sponsor with Emergency?
-meet with Emergency- ask how we can support them and work together
- this is part of our mission statement!
Want more information? Email Joe!

Awareness Discussion

Luke on politics/economy of Haiti:
-Government is semi presidential republic (President elected popularly and PM appointed by president)
-democratic on paper, authoritarian in practice
- Cite Soleil is largest slum in capital city (UN declared as most dangerous place on earth)
-2008 government issues- PM removed from office, proposed replacement reje! cted and then long period without governing figure
** High price of food is main political issue!***
- economy: poorest in Western Hemisphere
- susbsistence farming (mostly)
- MANY college graduates emigrate.
- Top 1% own nearly half of the nation’s wealth- results in extreme poverty.
- Average Haitian lives on $2 a day.
- Militia is dismantled, only national police force
- National knowledge that nation was only successfully established country by slave rebellion and that leader is authoritarian not democratic

02/02- ICC reversed decision not to charge Bashir with genocide. He is being charged now.

General Fonseka of Sri Lanka(who led the extinguishing of Tamils) was charged with plotting to overthrow the government and was arrested.

! Next week: effectiveness of aid to Haiti/ health care- Suresh?

Ongoing projects:
* Refugee crafts – Joe with Emergency
* – Bridgette and Joe and Luke

Thursday, February 4, 2010

URGI Minutes 2/1/10

*believes education is the key for sustainability in the developing world, currently building schools in Kenya
cost: $1000-$1500 airplane ticket. $2000 total?
-best to work in dyads ( Bring a friend!)
- Building Futures, Inc. ( over 10,000 people)
-Contact info:

Awareness Mixer
o Feb. 12th? Emergency/Amnesty International 10/11pm

Museum of Play

o Feb.13th ~meet at 4pm at ITS $8.50 a person- group discount!

Neon Party– Adge, Luke, Bridget
o The new and improved Mardi Gras party
o Club DJ?-Bridget!
o Alpha Del
o Flex times: earlier that weeko Feb. 20th
Movie in Gleason
o Congo’s Tin Soldiers?
o March 2nd at 8 pm

Refugee tutoring – Suresh and Luke
-Kohjy’s portfolio review for non-native speaker? Saturdays are fine she can bring them to campus, high school students whose English isnt that great- transfers from Jefferson or school without walls. Time commitment. Provide members, if interested email Suresh

Next Douglass Advocacy event: ideas
o Demonstration? Have conversation across the cafeteria. Co-sponsor with Toop? !
o Texts/emails that donates $5 / $10 to Haiti


Possible ideas? Sweatpants! Pictures attached ( ones with URGI written on side come in multiple colors)

Awareness Discussion Haiti- brief history. French owned- Plantation economy powered by slaves, 1789-3/4 of sugar brought money into France (used African slaves)
o 1794 uprising leading to independence of Haiti
o 1915-1937 US occupied Haiti because they were in economic trouble. Haiti and DR share border, when US left power in Haiti, DR dictator ordered murder of Haitians in DR.
o military coups, no stable leadership but Papa Doc/Baby Doc ruled until 1986.
o Baby Doc got kicked out, military ruled until 1990. Election where Jean- Bertrand Aristide won- ended in 1996. Re-elected in 2000. This whole time violence, instability, corruption.
o Class syste! m- how is there such a huge class difference? Very rich and very poor. Educated Haitians have money outside Haitian. Remittances second to Latin America. Infrastructure is weak.
• IN THE FUTURE- presenters perhaps come with a few questions for discussion? Or other members email questions to presenter.
• Next week- Luke!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

URGI Minutes 1/19/10


-NEXT MEETING/Weekly meetings for the semester: Mondays at 9pm in Wilson Commons 122
- Mini-elections will be held at next week’s meeting: bring a prepared speech if you are interested! (Awareness, Social & Fundraising and Banaa positions available)
- General Interest Meeting was held 01/22 in Ruth Merrill- covered topics of goals of group (awareness, advocacy, service), past events, future goals/events.

Goals for the Semester

-More awareness on campus
-Presentations to other groups and have presentations from other groups
-More speakers (discussions afterwards)
-Recruit more members
-Put up fact fliers throughout the semester
-Less tabling (not Douglass)
-More fundraising (paired with more awareness)
-More frequent newsletters
-Money for the club


-Monthly Themes
-Themes can include countries, regions, time periods, events
-Discussion Presentations
-Monthly newsletters – summarize the month
-Try for the 1st of the month
-“Crafty” Advocacy/ Volunteering
-Amnesty craft night
-Arts and crafts with refugees
-Documentaries in Gleason
-Mixers/ Museum of Play
-Mixers with emergency/ amnesty
-Museum of Play
-Mardi Gras Party

-Cassie and Sunny!
-Thinking about next spring
-Talk to CAB – maybe co-sponsor?
-Fall is a good idea – start planning it this semester
-In between the lines show instead?

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

URGI Minutes 11/17/09

Upcoming Events:

-UR Hip Hop’s screening of BLING: a planet of Rock 5pm Gowen Room
-Douglass Advocacy Event- Thursday Nov. 19th 12-2pm in Douglass
-Address Unknown TOOP: Nov. 20th at 8pm in the Drama House
-Talk-back session post show
-RSA General Interest Meeting Thursday Nov. 19th Gowen Room 6pm
-pizza, short video clip and 2 refugee student speakers- talk about tutoring/family pairing volunteering

* Museum of Play-move to next semester January or February?

* Volunteering Update – Luke, Cassie, Adrienne, Elena
-RSA looking at Jefferson and Edison for tutoring (school 15)
- Emergency is going this Saturday to tutor at school 12pm

* Douglass Advocacy Event – Thursday Nov. 19th from 12-2pm
12-12:20pm: Luke
12:30-1pm Adrienne and Suresh
1-1:30pm: Adrienn! e and Kelli
1:30-2pm: Sunny and Luke

* Be the Change workshop December 3rd 7:30pm at 108 Goergen Hall

*Thursday 11:45am Refugee Symposium at Lake Ave Baptist Church- updates on refugees in community

* interested in cleaning up river? Saturday 11am at Interfaith Chapel

* Awareness Discussion
- the context of giving aid- richer areas helping poorer areas and what’s an effective means? The outlook on Western world, feel obligated to help? Or personal desire?
- censored material from the government or just access to information is difficult

SOMALIA- without govt. for 15 years, pseudo elections over past 3 years because of rival clans/soldier factions, larger militia joining together that’s gaining power but they use aggressive tactics, a lot of money comes from remittance companies- one in particular was a trade company, goods would be underpassed by govt and sent to repressed clans. Now, because o! f UN they can actually take donations and distribute it but take a certain percentage otherwise they wouldn’t be able to cover expenses.

Ongoing Projects/ Reminders:

Kenya school building – Suresh (

Family Refugee Pairing – Adrienne Hloderwski

URGI Minutes 11/3/09


Advocacy: 11/12/09, 12-2pm Douglass, sign banner/petition

Yearbook Pictures: 11/10 after meeting

Museum of Play: Nov. 14th 4pm ITS

Address Unknown Toop: Nov. 21st in the Drama House

Awareness Update
→ National peace council in Sri Lanka, LTTE rebel group defeated, recently government has tried to weed out more LTTE by putting Tamil people in concentration camps. The government hasn’t been letting in any UN officials which raises suspicion, they continue to keep people in camps, most tamils happy war is over but problems tamils face aren’t over! There has been no support/funding for resettling.

Halloween Party Review
- 95 people attended, 18 volunteers!

Go Hungry for Hunger
- 30 hour fast, to raise awareness about hunger, money goes to Rochester Roots charity(work on integrating agriculture, sustainability and education! into one)General interest meeting in Interfaith Chapel Friday Nov 13th at 5pm,
-fast 11/20-11/21
- interested in participating? Email Joe!

can anyone help? Write a 1 paragraph article on an event you attended or current issue you want to address
Email CASSIE! (

-Sig Nu interested
-Emergency still working on shuttle to bring kids to UR, RSA working on stuff too.

Douglass Advocacy Event
-next Thursday 11/12
* Banner hand tracing. “we support giving a hand to victims in sudan”
* ?
- facebook crusade! Everyone put this link on their status/share

Museum of Play
- bus that leaves at 4pm(?), $7.50 per person, 11/14. Meet at ITS!

Dodgeball tournament
-Saturday December 5th 4-7pm.

The Refugee Experience Vid! eo
- met with Sandra at Lake Ave Baptist, contact info with Burmese, Somalian refugees who can speak English.

Next Stand Fast meeting: Tuesday, November 10th 10 pm WC 121, post meeting is pictureee!

Sudanese Sunrise Discussion
- Kelli gave a great speech! Thanks for coming!

Ongoing Projects / Reminders:

Kenya school building – Suresh (

Banaa Project – Joseph Gardella

Family Refugee Pairing – Adrienne Hloderwski

Get author of Memoirs of a Child Soldier to UR - Livnat

Can Collecting – Elena

Sign up for Approaches to Conflict, CAS 230, 2 credit course – Joseph Gardella

Literary event, Movie in Gleason, coffee house event – Kelli Summers and Joseph Gardella

URGI Minutes 10/27/09

Upcoming Events:

  • Refugee Halloween: Oct. 31st (contact Brinda for a ride)
  • Sudan Sunrise: Nov. 3rd at 7pm in the Interfaith Chapel
  • Yearbook Pictures: Nov. 10th after meeting
  • Museum of Play: Nov. 14th
  • Nazareth College’s Refugee Youth Event: Nov. 13th at 8:45 am – 12pm (East Ave)
  • Address Unknown Toop: Nov. 21st in the Drama House


  • Awareness Update
    • White house released its Sudan policy
      • Main goals:
        • End conflict
        • Get peace agreement that everyone’s happy with
        • Make sure Sudan doesn’t become a safe haven for terrorists
  • Somalia
    • 50,000 people displaced
    • Nate: Vote of No Confidence
      • Yes to remove him
      • Gandhi Service Fellowship – Joe
        • Mission: Following principles of Ghandi
        • Let Joe know if you want to apply for scholarship
        • It requires an application and 60 hours of community service per year
        • Volunteering
          • Other frats? – Luke and Elena
            • Elena: haven’t heard back
            • Luke: already in contact with rotarac, but will work out details
  • Merge with Emergency? – Adrienne
  • Douglass Advocacy Event Evaluation
    • Evaluation:
      • Went really well
      • Elena will put pics on facebook
      • Choose rectangular tables
  • Other creative thoughts?
    • Coloring?
    • Handprints?
      • Paint? Trace
      • Trace out a message and fill it with fingerprints until it’s filled
      • Red handprint for STAND Fast?
    • Advocate to our school
      • Get a long sheet that everyone signs with a message and put it up as a banner
      • “We support ____”
      • Put up right after Thanksgiving break

  • Museum of Play – Julia
    • Nov. 14th : Take Red Line
    • Dodgeball tournament – Cassie and Luke
      • Have D’Lions support
      • Jane Posse
      • Have everything pinned down by next week
      • Next Event: ideas?
        • Suresh: Nazareth Event – Sri Lankan Professor
          • She had a varied crowd: professors, students, community members
          • Spoke about government acts and history
          • Have her give a talk here
          • Suresh talk about having her come here
          • Want more interactive like the literary event
            • Have both a discussion and lecture
  • Gleason theatre movie
    • Nov. 12th (Thursday) at 8pm
  • Literary event? Movie in gleason? Discussion with speaker coffee house events?
  • All those who want stay after for the STAND Fast Meeting

  • Joke!!

Ongoing Projects:

  • Kenya school building – Suresh (
  • Banaa Project – Joseph Gardella
  • Family Refugee Pairing – Adrienne Hloderwski
  • Get author of Memoirs of a Child Soldier to UR

URGI Minutes 10/20/09

Awareness Update
- General Scott Gration released his policy on Darfur
- ICC will begin confirmation hearings in next week
- Uganda willing to hold peace talks between Sudanese govt. and Darfur

- ask any other frats if interested in doing rides? Luke! (AEPI), ELENA! (SIG NU)
- merge with Emergency for Sports nights? (Adrienne!) Early evening Friday/Saturday nights. Shuttle kids over to play in gym,

Douglass Advocacy Event 10/23 12pm-2pm
- Have people take their picture with poster asking Senators/Obama to take action in Darfur
- send picture to Senator via email/print them out or post on URGI’s facebook page
- Permission sheet for people to sign if willing to use photo on facebook/sending to senator (Cassie! Lizzy!)
- Make flyer (Lizzy!) Ask people at register/food places to put them up before event. “picture petitions” event on facebook

Banaa Project
- SUCCESS!!!!!! Sudanese student will most likely be attending U of R next fall with full tuition paid, and cost of living and stipends provided Student
- Bringing student requires school to have Banaa chapter- we provide support, friendly atmosphere and connections and answer any questions they may have.
- One idea: create one E-board position and have sub-committee working in conjunction with URGI
Yearbook Pictures
- NOV 10th after regular meeting

Sudanese Sunrise Event – Nov. 3rd at 7pm in Interfaith Chapel
- ex-NBA player trying to go back to Sudan and start forming schools in Southern Sudan. Coming to UR to speak about organization he is creating! , work he wants to do and life in the NBA.
- Kelli is speaking at this event! About URGI’s past and future events and the club in general.

Nazareth College’s Refugee Youth Event – Nov. 13th 8:45am-12pm
- for more infor email Joe!

Address Unknown Toop – Nov. 20th
-play about pre-holocaust. After the show we are having a talk about contemporary genocide and how it affects a community, individuals. Affects on people, etc.
- Suresh, Brinda, Joe, Cassie

Museum of Play
-red line goes there, call 2 weeks in advance (Julia!)
- November 14th

Dodgeball tournament
- Cassie and Luke
- Dodgeball Team co-sponsor? Or with D-lions? Regulation size 10 people.
- Talk to each fraternity/sorority and make a team.

STAND Fast Update !
– Beth and Morgan
- movie about interviewing refugee students in Rochester community Suresh and Adrienne!
- possible idea? Strong showcase of student talents. “UR’s got talent” Open to every student/every group. Videotape/auditions. Winners get a prize, audience votes. Thursday or Friday. Kick off with the show and after party. Judges are deans
- alternative is IBTL as hosts.
- Subcommittee? Suresh, Morgan, Lizzy, Julia
- donated t-shirts. coca-cola? Logo on front..
- bi weekly meetings for subcommittee

Ongoing Projects:

· Volunteering – Adrienne Hloderwski and Joseph Gardella

· Kenya school building – Suresh (

· Banaa Project – Joseph Gardella

· Family Refugee Pairing – Adrienne Hloderwski

· Get author of Memoirs of a Child Soldier to UR

· Can Collecting – Elena

URGI Minutes 10/13/09

* Awareness Update
- Darfur: peace process at a crossroads that’s now ending, no credible peace proposal yet, international community needs to give support
- strategy paper available if you want to read it- email JOE!
- Darfur Civil Society involved, down up approach- grassroots support.
- presidential election in the future but most likely to be flawed.

* Douglass Tabling Oct 9th feedback
evaluation- 40 people signed petition! In the future:
- set numerical goals everytime
- Get a better understanding of what we are tabling for
- Sheet of paper at table with bulleted information

* October Big Showcase Event CANCELLED
- due to financial issues

* STAND Fast Week
-meeting 8pm on Tuesday 10/20 before weekly meeting(subject to change)
- location TBA

- T&R 3-5pm – Mary’s place
→4 volunteers
- Sig Ep to provide transportation

*Pledge to protect conference.- Nov. 6th-9th in Washington D.C
- Details- IN D.C., not fully funded but SA will pay for registration fee. You pay for hotel (discounted), transportation, few other financial stipulations Luke and Cassie.

*Future Events:
Fundraising Event:
o Tournament- Basketball, co-sponsor with D’Lions- CASSIE AND LUKE
o Sunday afternoon/evening-2pm
• Social Event:
o Museum of Play- JULIA!

Ongoing Projects:
* Volunteering – Adrienne Hloderwski and Joseph Gardella
* Kenya school building – Suresh (
* Banaa Project – Joseph Gardella
* Family Refugee Pairing – Adrienne Hloderwski
* Get author of Memoirs of a Child Soldier to UR
* Address Unknown Toop – Nov. 20th
* Can Collecting - Elena