Monday, September 21, 2009

URGI Minutes 9/14/09


1) Next week’s meeting is Tuesday 09/22 at 9pm in WC 507
2) Movie/Speaker 09/24 at 7pm in Hoyt
3) Advocacy Event 09/25 in Douglass from 12pm-2pm

How did the General Interest Meeting go?
- with powerpoint: expand on fundraising events- amount collected, details on what we did
- more emphasis on where the money goes , who we’re helping
- more short clips from youtube about current conflicts

• Next weeks meeting (and there after): Tues. at 9pm
- Next week: WC 507
- Following weeks: WC 121

• Movie and Speaker Night

– 9/24 at 7pm in Hoyt Auditorium
- God Grew Tired of Us
- Nate spoke with Natasha who knows some Sudanese refugees who can speak – perhaps about their personal experience and how they adjusted to a new life (approx. 20 minutes) then short question and answer session, then movie
- Create a flyer (Nate!)
- Pass out flyers at next weeks meeting
- Find out if author is a motivational speaker/ maybe he’ll waive or lower price or we can get supplemental funding from the school (Luke!)


- Ramp for Iranian refugee family – Adge, Michael!
- Tutoring for refugee students, GOAL: to get as many students as possible to volunteer and unify all main organizations on campus to make sure everyone is behind this idea. Most likely school will be in South Wedge– Adge and Joe!
- Banaa Project Volunteers (bringing the Sudanese student to Rochester). Joe needs a few people to give presentations. Contact Joe through email! (
- EXPRESS any ideas you may have!!

•October Event

- 10/23 at 8pm BIG showcase OR…Frat Party Fundraiser- 10/17 at 10pm, perhaps with ΣAM?

- Adrienne put in request for Strong reservation for performance groups sell tickets to raise money for fundraiser. Volunteers? Sandeep!

- Sub committee: Adge, Cassie, Luke -start planning and figuring out details

•Douglass Advocacy Event?

- Sign our petition urging President Obama to remember the people of Sudan.
- 09/25 12pm-2pm in Douglass- Luke and Sunshine!
- check out:

•STAND fast

- subcommittee/ head person volunteers?

Monday, September 14, 2009

URGI Minutes 9/7/09

URGI Minutes 09/07/09

General Interest Meeting
-7pm Monday 9/14 Gowen Room
-show powerpoint- on what we do, contact info, show short video clip (Meet the Janjaweed?), events we did last year and questions at the end
- Start flyer-ing this week!- Time, date, place, SA funded should be on poster (Nate)
-Provide Pizza from Domino’s-3 cheese, 2 pepperoni, 1 veggie (Luke)

- Community work in the future-Monthly Mini Projects (first one-ramp for handicapped Iraqi veteran?-Adrienne will head this project)
- accept more ideas/suggestions from other members
- Tutoring refugee students with skills we have (ex. English to help integrate) NOT just our group, organize and work with other groups. (The Saint’s Place, School # 15, Maplewood) Look into schools with ESL classes and after school programs (middle schools/high schools)

- September-event the week after General interest meeting (documentary Thursday 09/24 in Hoyt 7pm - The Human Experience, God Grew Tired of Us- hour and a half, maybe author as a speaker after?!!)
- October- potluck/letter writing drive, Big Benefit Party or another party w/ fraternity
- November- STAND conference, STANDfast week- speakers, dinner/show ( Burmese dancers)
- Eastman collaboration-perhaps a Benefit concert?

Future Meeting Format
- discussion session at the end
- quick blurb in the beginning of the meeting, facebook messages or emails with current updates

One on One Meetings w/ Kelli and Joe
-15 min with E-board members next Thursday 09/10. Sign up times on sheet.

-Friday 09/11 at 7pm at Kelli and Joe’s place in Valentine. Bring food, games, anything fun.